We aim to do this by..
- Increasing participation rates in sporting activities while at the same time contributing to child development by building on and learning more about our key values such as respect, co-operation and kindness for themselves and others.
- Developing a broader range of sports and activities offered to pupils.
- Improving partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners, including increasing confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
- Extending and developing further opportunities for inter class and across school sport competitions.
- Targeting groups of pupils to help improve their physical development and kick start a healthy active lifestyle.
- Driving school improvement through raising the profile of school sports values within whole school values.
2020-21 Action Plan and 2019-20 review
In 2019-2020 we spent £17,783.00
- Encourage more children to participate safely and confidentially in competitive sport, both intra and inter school, and where needed, provide this as an external resource to compete virtually within our district.
- Continue to engage our children to be active throughout the school day, beginning with breakfast club, during lessons, breaktimes, and afterschool clubs.
- Improve our club links with local providers to support our children and families to be active in the wider community
- Encourage active travel, following Covid19, building this through the school day with the daily mile.
- Create a mindfulness zone within the school playground, as a calm safe space following the return to school in September
2019-2020 Action Plan and 2018-19 review
We strongly believe our children are more active; have participated in 2 hours of good and outstanding PE lessons; active outdoor and adventurous learning, and on and off site Forest Schools sessions linked to all curriculum areas. Active Maths, Spanish and Drama have increased pupils everyday exercise. Pupils have increased participation levels in a range of sporting opportunities throughout the day as a result of our spending in the last 4 years. Visitors comment on how happy, safe and active our pupils are at break times.