PE at Tibshelf Infant and Nursery school
PE Progression Map and assessment 2022.pdf
PE Progression of voabulary.pdf
The way in which our curriculum is planned, the organisation of each day and the methods that our teachers use are all in response to our knowledge of how young children learn best. We have developed an active and inclusive approach to learning and teaching which enables us to respond to the needs of our children as they move from Reception and then on to Year 1 and 2.
At Tibshelf Infant and Nursery School we believe that physical education and sport have a vital role to play in the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of children.
The aim of our Physical Education curriculum is for children to develop physical competency and to promote a love of physical activity.
We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical activities. We will teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. We also teach children the meaning of respect, inspiration, determination, resilience and courage and how to display these qualities in sport.
It is our duty to educate our children about the importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices by providing children with the knowledge, understanding and the tools needed to make informed choices about healthy living.
Our curriculum will provide our children with the opportunity to express themselves physically, challenge themselves and others, experience different environments and activities, work together and release energy which, in turn, will help children to remain calm, regulate their emotions and lower anxiety levels. Research is very clear about the positive relationship between physical activity and improved mental health. Therefore, providing children with these learning experiences through our PE curriculum will have a positive impact on each child’s own physical health and mental health and well-being and, as a result, should enable children to have a longer, fulfilling and healthier life. It is our aim to enable all children, regardless of their ability, race or gender to be able to access and enjoy their PE lessons. We will ensure that children experience physical education in a safe and secure environment and that activities are planned for which stimulate and engage all children to participate fully in all lessons.
Teaching and Learning
Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all children develop the fundamental knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad and balanced curriculum. Children are provided with a breadth of curriculum coverage including dance, gymnastics, games, and outdoor adventure. Teachers use the school’s Progression of Skills document to ensure that there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills taught across the school. Teachers ensure that objectives are covered from the EYFS Statutory Framework and Key Stage One National Curriculum.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Physical Development is one of the Prime Areas of the curriculum. It is considered fundamental in the Early Years Foundation Stage along with Communication and Language and PSHE. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, it is about improving skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement so our children have access to equipment that encourages climbing, balancing and jumping. Wide ranging activities can be accessed in their own outdoor play areas, in the garden area and on the main playground and these are carefully planned to develop and challenge every child’s confidence and skills, and give opportunities to be physically active. We also encourage the development of fine and gross motor skills through the provision of suitable resources, for example riding bikes and using scissors, throughout the day. This includes opportunities for children with physical disability or motor impairment to develop their physical skills. In Foundation Stage Two children have the opportunity to also access planned activities that offer appropriate physical challenges through timetabled P.E. lessons. These weekly sessions develop the fundamental skills needed for controlled movement, strength and stamina in dance, gymnastics and games. In our school we believe effective physical development helps children to gain confidence in what they can do, feel the benefits of being healthy and active and have a positive sense of well-being.
In Key Stage One, all children will participate in at least two hours of high quality physical education each week. This includes 1 hour PE lesson including dance, gymnastics and games in the hall and outside and a daily lunchtime session of 20 minutes. Teachers will use the school’s Progression of Skills to ensure that new knowledge and skills build on what has previously been learnt. Skills across all areas of the Physical Education curriculum will be taught and revisited throughout each term to promote greater depth of understanding, developing skills, contextual application of these skills and the ability to perform reflectively.
Children in Year 1 and 2 are also provided with opportunities to participate in exercise during Continuous Provision throughout the day, as well as at playtimes. Children have access to bikes and trikes, a fit and fun trolley, basketball, football and table cricket/table tennis, several tyre parks, an artificial grass area, and a garden area.
We believe being healthy and experiencing the opportunity to achieve in sport is paramount for our children.
We actively encourage all Key Stage One children to eat healthily, complete the Daily Mile throughout the day and to attend after school sports related clubs. This year sports clubs have included drummercise, dance, gymnastics, karate, multi-sports and games.
We encourage an ethos of inter and intra competitions throughout the year and the opportunity for all children to take part in sport and enjoy and achieve. We value the contribution that outside agencies can provide and use their expertise to support our teaching and learning of PE.
Children in breakfast club and in after school care also have opportunities to access the outdoors and be physically active on the playground and garden area.
To develop physical competency and to promote a love of physical activity, children are awarded PE superstars each week. These superstars are awarded for respect, determination, resilience and courage. Parents are informed of their child’s achievements through Tapestry and the weekly parent newsletter. Parents love putting achivements in PE onto tapestry so that we can share their hard work outside school with their friends. These achievements are again published onto our weekly parent newsletter.
Throughout the year children have many more opportunities to take part in further sport. Children in Foundation Stage two and Key stage One have taken part in the cluster events such as the Fun Run, the dance Festival at the Secondary School, Mini leaders training and the Year 2 Infant agility.
All children have all participated in a 45-minute cricket session and skipping sessions taught by an outside agencies.
Every week, each class in Key Stage One spends an afternoon down at the allotment. Tasks include filling buckets of woodchips or soil and carrying these buckets down to our patch. Children have opportunities to climb trees, dig, weed and plant. The jobs are endless and children are always busy.
Every year our school holds a Whole School Sports Activity Day. During the day, children in Foundation Stage Two and Key stage One work in mixed ability groups and access 7 different Olympic and Paralympic sports. Every year, the Parlympian Maryin Mansell and other high profile athletes join us to teach the children different sports such as Wheelchair basketball, Boccia, Sitting Volleyball and blind football. We award children for their achievements in demonstrating Olympic and Paralympic values of respect, excellence, friendship, courage, determination, inspiration and equality.
A Sports Day is held annually where the children across the whole school take part in a variety of competitive activities. These races are competitive and progressive through the years.
Our PE curriculum improves the wellbeing and fitness of all children not only through the sporting skills taught but through the underpinning values and disciplines that Physical Education promotes. Within lessons, children develop self-discipline and resilience and an understanding that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility for your own health. Therefore, children are motivated to utilise these underpinning skills independently and effectively in order to live happy and healthy lives and in turn this will have a positive effect on their academic achievements and their own mental health and Wellbeing.
P.E. and School Sports Funding 2021-2022 – Click Here
P.E and School Sports Funding 2022-2023 – Click Here
Click here for the Department for Education link to the Primary School’s Sports Funding page.