In this section of the website, you will find information in how we aim to keep your child safe and how you can help at home.
Safeguarding your children
Designated safeguarding lead: Mr. Martin Weston
Designated safeguarding deputy: Mrs. Rachel Boswell
Designated safeguarding deputy: Mrs. Hillary Crabtree
Designated safeguarding deputy: Mrs. Jenny Hodson
Designated safeguarding deputy: Mr. Chris Cafferty
Safeguarding Governor: Karen Waring
Telephone: 01773 872306
If either Mr. Weston , or the deputies are not available or on site, you can telephone Mrs. Alton Head of school at Tibshelf Infants to discuss your concern: 01773 872571, or any of the Designated Safeguarding Leads in the 5 Pits Partnership of Schools.
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website:
This safeguarding page has more information:
The following documents may be useful:
- Tibshelf Schools Federation – Child Protection Policy 2024/2025
- Tibshelf Schools Federation – Child Protection Policy 2023/2024
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2022-23
Documentation from the Department of Education:
- Keeping Children Safe in Education from September 2024
- What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
- Working together to safeguard children
- Regulated activity in relation to children
- Information sharing advice safeguarding practitioners
In addition to the child protection service of Call Derbyshire, you can contact Starting Point for help and advice regarding concerns.
The Local Authority produces a flowchart to help schools determine appropriate actions should they become aware of safeguarding issues. This flowchart can be accessed via the link LADO Flowchart.
The Prevent Duty Strategy is a key area of safeguarding aimed at preventing radicalisation and extremism. All teachers, staff and governors participate in annual training in this statutory duty.
The statutory guidance can be found here:
The Prevent Duty: a guide for schools
Government Prevent Duty Guidance
Staying Safe Online
Online safety is more important than ever for our children. The following documents can help you keep your child safe online.
Please click on the links below to navigate to the different sections
Children missing in Education
A child missing from Education (CME) is defined by the Department for Education (DFE) as: “a child of compulsory school age who is not on a school roll, nor being educated otherwise.“
The local authority provides guidance for schools:
Early Help
Tibshelf Infant and Nursery school works to provide Early Help to families in the school community. Early Help services aim to both provide advice and/or intervene where there is evidence of emerging needs with the objective of preventing escalation to higher level services. We work alongside a variety of agencies to provide support through the school setting.
What is Early Help? Information for Parents
Requests for Early Help can be made by speaking to a member of staff, through the school office or by following the links below:
- Bolsover County Council
- Derbyshire County Council
- Benefits
- Samaritans
- NSPCC Learning
- Housing
- Talking Mental Health
- Safe and Sound – fighting CSE