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Alternative Provision Policy Statment
Context of Policy
Alternative provision is educational provision for pupils who are unable to access mainstream education for a number of different reasons, or who are unsuited to the mainstream provision on offer.
We recognise that there is a need to ensure that our curriculum is inclusive and accessible, providing opportunities for all pupils to succeed. Within our Federation, if children are accessing alternative provision or have a reduced timetable, we strongly believe in putting in as much support to ensure they successfully return soon as possible.
We recognise the need to offer the type of provision that allows some pupils to achieve their potential outside of what is accessible at Tibshelf Schools Federation.
To facilitate this individual learning pathway, Tibshelf Schools Federation works with different local providers to help pupils who have struggles to reach their potential in a school-based environment to succeed.
Objectives of this Policy
The objectives of this policy are:
To outline the reasons why pupils might be offered alternative provision.
To ensure that alternative provision is offered to suitable pupils in a
consistent way.
To provide guidance on the referral process and the suitability of alternative
To ensure there are suitable procedures in place relating to attendance and
the safeguarding of pupils when under the care of alternative providers.
To outline the arrangements in place for keeping in touch with pupils to
monitor academic progress, behaviour and pastoral welfare.
To guide and support staff with the monitoring and support of alternative
Reasons why we might offer Alternative Provision
Pupils will be referred to alternative provision on the basis that this provision is more appropriate for them than what Tibshelf Schools Federation can provide. Some reasons might be:
The pupil’s strengths are not being developed through the national
curriculum. Alternative provision recognises that pupils have different strengths and weaknesses and that mainstream education is not suitable for some. The emphasis on vocational education that some alternative provision offers may be more attractive and suitable to some pupils.
The pupil has had one or more fixed-term exclusions and is considered to be at risk of permanent exclusion from school. Alternative provision is seen as a desirable alternative to permanent exclusion for pupil and to encourage their continued inclusion in education.
The pupil has not been attending school regularly. Alternative provision offers a different setting with a broader choice of subjects for pupils which may encourage attendance.
The Governing Body will:
Monitor the implementation of the alternative provision policy and review it on a regular basis.
The Headteacher will:
Take overall responsibility for the school’s use of alternative provision for certain pupils.
Report to the governing body on the effectiveness of the implementation of the alternative provision policy.
Understand and comply with the guidelines detailed within alternative provision policy and other related documents.
Arrange for the appointment of an appropriate member of staff to attend meetings relating to pupil referrals and conduct regular progress visits to the alternative provider.
Continually assess the quality and suitability of providers of alternative
education for our pupils.
Visit provider to ensure Health and safety risk assessments are in place.
Liaise with the relevant staff to ensure that the appropriate measures are in place to support pupils who are being educated in an alternative setting.
Undertake periodic visits to the alternative provision sites to review the progress of the relevant pupils
Decide, in collaboration with the leadership team and safeguarding governor, on the appropriate course of action if informed of any serious behavioural incidents by an alternative provider.
Arrange for the appropriate intervention when a pupil’s attendance falls below the Tibshelf Schools Federation target.
Ensure that the alternative provider is a registered and approved centre and that they have relevant policies in place to cover Safeguarding, Child
Protection and Health & Safety.
Ensure that all alternative providers hold a copy of, and adhere to, Tibshelf Schools Federation’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies.
The school office will:
Handle the payment in relation to alternative provision as authorised by the Headteacher or person with budget holder responsibility.
Suitability of Providers
Tibshelf Schools Federation is able to access a variety of alternative provision placements and there should always be a clear rationale in place to ensure that this provision will allow the pupil to make good academic progress.
The school aims to continually assess the quality and suitability of the
providers of alternative education for our pupils.
It is the responsibility of Tibshelf Schools Federation to ensure that the alterative provider is registered and approved and that they have relevant policies in place to cover Child Protection and Health and Safety.
All pupils who are referred to alternative provision will have access to a core curriculum, as well as an alternative curriculum covering a range of other subjects.
Referral Process
The school will use DfE Statutory Guidance as a basis for making arrangements for alternative provision.
Parent/carer will be fully involved in the process and any decisions taken.
Pupils who are referred to alternative provision will remain on roll with
Tibshelf Schools Federation and the School funds their place in alternative provision. The school remains ultimately responsible for the pupil, and the offer of alternative provision shows a commitment by the school to an inclusive approach to the pupil’s education.
Tibshelf Schools Federation will set up a meeting involving all relevant parties, including parents/carers and others as appropriate.
A representative from the school will clearly explain to pupil and his / her parents / carers the reasons why the alternative provision is being offered.
The pupil’s parents / carers will sign the relevant alternative provision contract responsibilities for supporting the child and timescales for reviewing the contract must be agreed during the initial meeting.
Any agreement around alternative provision for a pupil will be regularly reviewed. Timescales and responsibility’s for reviewing the agreement will be agreed by the school, alternative provider and parent/carers.
Once committed to alternative provision, pupils must attend and parent /carers must support this. Failure to do so will carry the same consequences as non-attendance at Tibshelf Schools Federation.
Impact / success will be measured against targets agreed in the initial meeting and these will be regularly reviewed.
The school will formulate a Service Level Agreement between the school and the alternative provider.
Attendance and Safeguarding
All professionals have a statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and tracking and reporting attendance at alternative provision is a component in archiving this.
Attendance at off-site alternative provision will be monitored closely and every step should be taken to ensure that accurate data is kept by Tibshelf Schools Federation.
Alternative providers will contact Tibshelf Schools Federation whenever the pupil is absent. Tibshelf Schools Federation will then make contact with parents and try and resolve the issue to ensure regular attendance is achieving.
Tibshelf Schools Federation will then make contact with parents and try and resolve the issue to ensure regular attendance is achieved.
Tibshelf Schools Federation will formally monitor attendance and update records and maintain contact with alternative provider on a weekly basis.
There is an expectation that any safeguarding concerns are raised with the Designated Safeguarding Lead at Tibshelf Schools Federation and that all alternative providers adhere to the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies held by the school.
Monitoring Academic Progress, Behaviour and Pastoral Welfare
The pupil’s attainment data will be communicated to the alternative provider on commencement of placement.
A termly report will be given by the alternative provider as part of the monitoring process.
The pupil will be visited on a regular basis by an appropriate staff member from Tibshelf Schools Federation and an Alternative Provision Record will be completed.
The pupil’s own views on the placement will be taken into account as part of the monitoring process.
The provider will be expected to contact Tibshelf Schools Federation to inform them of any serious behavioural incidents.
Pupils who are making less than satisfactory progress will be subject to a formal review meeting involving Tibshelf Schools Federation, the pupil, parents/carer and the provider.
In extreme circumstances, or following an agreed number of unsatisfactory review meetings, the placement may be ended.
Elective Home Education
Parents have a legal duty to ensure their children receive an efficient full-time education suitable to age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs. If a parent/carer does request for their child to be home educated our Federation will ensure they following Government and Derbyshire processes. These include:
- Initial meeting with parents to understand reasons for Home Education and any support we can put into place to keep child at school
- Exit meeting with family / EHCP review. Again, we will look at reasons and how we could support needs of family or child to keep them at school
- Complete Deregistration form and return this to EHE team at Derbyshire County Council (DCC) within 5 working days of notification. We will ensure any safeguarding concerns have been shared will all relevant agencies.
- As a Federation, we believe that our responsibilities do not stop there, particularly where there have been any safeguarding concerns or children have SEND. We will be tenacious in contacting any external agencies involved and an EHE advisor has been allocated the family and contact has been made.