Feedback from Parents/Carers and children
We welcome your comments in relation to the school. The following are a small selection of comments have been taken from recent questionnaires April 2021 – Thank you for taking the time to give us this feedback.
What parents say we did well during/after Lockdown
‘School was exceptionally supportive in every possible way. Providing the work was very much appreciated and the weekly phone calls were a real support. It was easy to feel overwhelmed with home schooling and lockdown, a weekly chat with someone from school always made me feel better.’
‘I was really happy with the support offered to parents and the level of communication from teachers. I was also really relieved with the lack of judgement from school regarding which lessons we managed to get through during lockdown.’
‘Kept parents and children informed and reassured at all times. Sent valuable work through email or printed work packs so no one missed out. No pressure were put on any child or parents, that was lovely.’
‘Stayed open! and kept the children safe and happy. The work was supplied online too which was helpful and good to have in case of school closure or isolation.’
‘Communication with parents was excellent. The school was always available to help/answer queries. Bearing in mind the situation was new to everyone, the school also listened to parents suggestions on what could help to make home schooling easier for everyone.’‘
‘Kept all parents/carers informed. Always looked forward to the different messages regarding things to do with the children to break the more tedious routines. Always cheery and encouraging.’‘
‘Created a very welcoming and exciting atmosphere. My child was so excited for the entire first week. She said it was lots of fun.’‘
‘All the safety measures that were put in place throughout the pandemic have made me feel really reassured in sending the children to school. The heat camera and hand washing stations for the children, plus facemasks when on site have provided me with a feeling of satisfaction that you as a school is doing everything you possibly can.’
‘The children have clear expectations of the bubble groups, playtimes and lunchtimes etc which they understand.’‘
‘The school made sure that no pressure was put on parents re. uniform expectations etc. A huge thing when they have been out of school uniform for so long. The school also made sure parents were reassured that the priority was the children being happy and settled, not being straight back into formal education.’‘
‘The phone calls, emails and inclusion in newsletters enabled the children to still feel part of school even though they weren’t attending in person. The letter sent to all the children about returning to school was lovely. Allowing after school visits for those children who were a little anxious about returning really helped.’
‘The letter to the children was lovely. Considered children’s individual needs which was a massive help.’ ‘
‘You put no pressures on parents, you were kind and considerate.’
‘Extremely good and constant communication between school and care givers. Such a warm welcome back for the children and immense reassurance by all the staff.’
‘You provided emotional support and encouragement to both children and parents/carers.’
‘Very welcoming, you gave clear instructions and made the first week about having fun and re-settling.’‘
‘My child was excited to come back and the teaching staff made it a stress free transition. Very organised.’‘
What the children say they like/is good about our school
‘The teachers are interested.’
‘She likes to learn new things and to play in the playground.’
‘Playing with friends and learning.’
‘They like seeing all their friends and playing at playtime with all the equipment especially on the tyres and in the garden area. The teachers are nice and do lots of fun activities with them.’
‘He loves playing with his friends’
‘She enjoys learning and playing outside.’
‘She loves anything to do with outdoors and in particular plants and gardening at school.’
‘My teachers are very kind and helpful.’
‘I love my friends and swinging on the monkey bars at break.’
‘Learning is made fun.’
‘At dinnertime I like talking to people whilst eating and we can sit where we want’
What parents/carers say we do to make their child happy in school
‘The staff are warm, calm, kind, the activities are engaging, the theme days are fun.’
‘It is a very nurturing school where the children’s happiness is important which is positive.’
‘All teachers are caring & friendly & helpful.’
‘My child feels loved, valued, cherished and celebrated there.’
‘You provide a happy, stimulating and interesting environment and curriculum. There is always a positive atmosphere. You care about them as individuals and know them really well.’
‘He feels supported, is given attention and enjoys the learning he is doing.’
‘The attention to detail, the comfort and reassurance/support from the teachers is second to none.’
‘The staff are really warm and welcoming and this is wonderful to see at drop off time.’
‘Staff are lovely. Very friendly and approachable not only to children but parents also.’
What parents/carers say we do well in relation to safeguarding
‘Teachers are careful to supervise children coming and going. I have no concerns regarding safeguarding.’
‘I have had children going through this school for the last 8 years and never felt any issues regarding safeguarding.’
‘I feel the school is super safe.’
‘Good security: no easy access into school grounds. And good health and safety procedures’
‘You provide a safe and secure site and environment. Relevant policies are on the website and noticeboards provide information. Topics are covered with the children – antibullying, disability, racism and online safety. Workshops have been provided for parents/carers. The children know who to talk to if they have got a problem.’
‘You develop a good relationship with the children so they are happy to talk to you about their concerns. You keep parents well informed and make sure the school is a safe place.’
What parents/carers say we do well at our school
‘Making it a happy, safe loving environment’
‘Very good school, the child is always put first. Parents are always included in any decision making.’
‘Creating a fun, happy safe place for children to thrive in. Really knowing and appreciating all the children and being very child-led with your approaches.’
‘This school is brilliant at providing for the children, be that education, homeschooling, communications and equipment for the school and playground. I think that the teaching staff are fantastic.’
‘This school the parents feel important. Our children are not pupils, they are family. The school is well run and managed fantastically.’
‘Communication is brilliant, you always know what is happening, lovely atmosphere.’
‘Communication – engaging curriculum – have children at the heart of everything – organisation – regular reading with staff members – Homework, informs parents of the current learning.’
‘Good communication with parents. Staff are always friendly and are always willing to offer help or advice.’
‘Lessons are led well, extra fun days added in & theme days make it really fun for the children. Communication between the school & parents are second to none.’
‘Put the children first and at the heart of everything you do. You ensure you provide them with the best all round education you can.’
‘All the staff are so caring & seem invested in ensuring the best for the children.’
‘Enable learning in an interactive and supportive environment – learning through play & focus on achievement through progression.’
‘Care for the children making them feel special and unique.’
‘The children always come first at Tibshelf Infant & Nursery School.’
‘You know each and every child and understand their needs and support them in their learning.’
The standard of education provided is exemplary. Communication is excellent. Lovely staff, approachable, caring, fun, lots of different ways of learning to get the best out of children.
‘You treat each child as an individual, and make them all feel special and part of a wider community! Communicate well with parents, always approachable! Super positive and happy staff who inspire our children. Promote healthy lifestyles – diet/exercise.’
‘Maintain high standards for learning however keep it enjoyable for the children.’