Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

The Tibshelf Schools Federation – Governing Board operates s, a full governing board and 3 committees. This means that governors have up to date information regarding the school, and can offer timely support and challenge, as well as take action should the need arise.

Link governors are assigned to monitor subjects which have been identified as strategic priorities in the School Improvement Plan (SIP), as well as: Safeguarding, SEND, Health & Safety, and Finance.

The committees are:

Resources (Res)

Curriculum (Curr)

Headteacher Performance Management (HTPM)


Any communications for the Governing Body should be addressed to:
The Chair of the Governors

NameStart DateTerm of OfficeTypeCommitteeAppointed by
Karen Waring – Chair – Safeguarding governor17.01.20234 yearsCo-optedRes, Curr, HTPMGoverning Body
Barrie Green – Vice Chair (Chair of Resources)17.01.20234 yearsCo-optedResGoverning Body
Rachel Boswell – Executive Headteacher 01.01.2023Executive HeadteacherRes, Curr
Rebecca Jones17.01.20234 yearsParentCurrParents
Lynn Beeson (Chair of Curriculum)17.01.20234 YearsLA GovernorCurrGoverning Body
Jemma Moore17.01.20234 YearsCo-opted ResGoverning Body
Wendy Vardy17.01.20234 yearsCo-otpedCurrGoverning Body
Ian Collins17.01.20234 yearsCo-optedCurrGoverning Body
Justin Gilbody17.01.20234 YearsCo-optedResGoverning Body
Sarah Smith17.01.20234 YearsCo-optedCurrGoverning Body
Nicola Moody17.01.20234 YearsStaffCurrStaff
Chris Cafferty – Clerk to governorsClerkGoverning Body

Governor Attendance

Full Governors17/01/202327/01/202328/02/202328/03/202311/07/202319/09/2023
Karen WaringXXXXXX
Barrie GreenXXXXXX
Rachel BoswellXD.I – excludedXXXX
Ian CollinsXXXApoligies acceptedApoligies acceptedApoligies accepted
Jemma MooreXXXXXX
Sarah SmithXD.I – excludedXXXX
Wendy VardyXD.I – excludedXXXX
Richard JonesXXXApoligies acceptedApoligies accepted
Lynn BeesonXXXXXX
Justin GilbodyApoligies acceptedApoligies acceptedXXXX
Rebecca JonesXXXXXX
Nicola MoodyApologies acceptedD.I – excludedXXXX
Chris Cafferty (Clerk)XXXXXX
Resources Committee28/02/202320/03/202308/06/2023
Barrie GreenXXX
Karen WaringXXX
Justin GilbodyXXX
Jemma MooreXXX
Richard JonesXApologies SentX
Rachel BoswellXXX
Chris Cafferty (Clerk)XXX
Curriculum Committee28/02/202325/04/202320/06/202317/10/2023
Lynn BeesonXXXX
Ian CollinsXXApologies SentX
Rebecca JonesXXXX
Karen WaringXXXX
Sarah SmithXXXX
Wendy VardyXXXX
Nicola MoodyXXXX
Rachel BoswellXXXX
Chris Cafferty (Clerk)XXXX

Governors that have resigned:

NameDate of ResignationType
Richard Jones

Chris Dixon


Danielle Pell31.10.2022Parent
David Fox-Johnson11.05.2022Parent
James Knight31.08.2021Parent
Tracey Dixon31.08.2021Associate
Rebecca Badhams31.08.2019Staff
Bev Gash31.01.2018Clerk
Deborah Watson31.12.2018 – End of termCo-opted
John Allsop31.12.2018 – End of termCo-opted