How to apply for a place at school

Tibshelf Infant School & Town End Junior School admissions

In accordance with Derbyshire County Council policy Tibshelf Infant & Nursery School admit children into Foundation Stage 2 / Reception in the September following their 4th birthday (this would be children whose fifth birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August of the coming year). In accordance with Derbyshire County Council policy Town End Junior School admit children into Year 3 in the September following their 7th birthday (this would be children whose seventh birthday falls between 1st September and 31 August of the coming year).

At Tibshelf Infant & Nursery School & Town End Junior School we have a Pupil Allocation Number of 50 per year group.

Parents must apply to Derbyshire County Council for a place in Foundation Stage 2 Reception for Tibshelf Infant & Nursery School or a Year 3 place for Town End Junior School during the Autumn Terms in the year before their child is due to start school. Applications can be made via the Derbyshire County Council website or by telephone.

Information is sent out from school to the parents of children in our nursery mid-November.

Apply online at

By telephone: call Derbyshire County Council on 08456 058 058.

In-Year applications

Any parent wishing to make an in-year application can do so via Derbyshire County Council. Please see the guidance notes in the ‘changing schools’ section at

Tibshelf Nursery School admissions

Applications for nursery places should be made directly through the school. Please email us at or telephone to put your child’s name on our waiting list.

September admissions to nursery – if your child turns 3 years old before 31st August, they could be offered a place in our nursery to start September. We write to parents around April to offer these places to start in the September.

January admissions to nursery – if your child turns 3 years old between 1st September and 31st December, they could be offered a place in our nursery to start in January. We write to parents around October to offer these places to start in the January.

April admissions to nursery – if your child turns 3 years old between 1st January and 31st March, they could be offered a place in our nursery to start in April. We write to parents around the end of January to offer these places to start in the April.

Admissions in January and April are subject to available spaces. Our nursery capacity is 26 in the morning and 26 in the afternoon.

Please apply for a nursery place through this link:

Click here to apply for a nursery place