Subject co-ordinator: Lea Alton

Governor responsible for Mathematics: Lynn Beeson

‘Lifelong Confidence and Ability using Mathematics’

Mathematics at Tibshelf Infant and Nursery School

‘Lifelong Confidence and Ability using Mathematics’

At Tibshelf Infant and Nursery School the intent of our Mathematics Curriculum is to help all pupils develop an enjoyment of Maths and a ‘can-do’ attitude towards the subject. To enable this to happen, we move pupils through the curriculum at broadly the same pace, making decisions about when to move learning on based upon children’s’ readiness to progress. We support all pupils to meet their potential by providing regular interventions for those needing extra support, whilst giving pupils who quickly grasp new concepts the opportunity to be challenged though a range of deeper, varied problems. We share the learning journey with children, giving them a clear picture of their progress within Maths. We help pupils develop their fluency when using mental and written methods, also supporting pupils in their knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division number facts. We give children opportunities to develop their mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills. Through high quality modelling and peer discussion we intend to help pupils develop a rich mathematical vocabulary. We want children to make connections between mathematical ideas and have opportunities to apply learnt mathematical skills across the curriculum.

Maths action plan 2022-2023

Maths action plan 2022-23.pdf

Maths at home

To help parents/carers develop children’s maths skills at home please look at the following two links:

Mastering Number Fluency letter to parents .pdf

Instant Recall

Instant-Recall-Number-facts-to-learn-Year-1 Autumn Term 1 and 2.docx

Instant-Recall-Number-facts-to-learn-Year-2 Autumn Term 1.docx

Instant-Recall-Number-patterns -to-learn-Year-2 Autumn Term 1.docx

Overview & Expectations

Early Learning Goals for Maths – end of FS2 expectations




Knowledge Organisers

FS2 Knowledge Orangisers

Thumb Alive-in-5.pdf

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Thumb Find-my-pattern.pdf

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Thumb First-then-now.pdf

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Thumb Growing-6-7-8.pdf

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Thumb Its-me-1-2-3.pdf

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Thumb Light-and-dark.pdf

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Thumb Maths-on-the-move.pdf

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Thumb Maths-to-20-and-beyond.pdf

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Year 1 Knowledge Orangisers

Thumb Instant-Recall-Number-facts-to-learn-Year-1-Autumn-Term-1-and-2.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Addition-and-Subtraction-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Addition-and-Subtraction-to-20-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Fractions-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Length-and-Height-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Money-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Multiplication-and-Division-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Number-and-Place-Value-to-10-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Number-and-Place-Value-to-20-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Number-and-Place-Value-to-50-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Place-Value-to-100-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Position-and-Direction-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Time-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-1-Weight-and-Volume-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Year 2 Knowledge Orangisers

Thumb Year-2-Addition-and-Subtraction-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Fractions-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Length-and-Height-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Mass-Capacity-and-Temperature-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Money-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Multiplication-and-Division-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Number-and-Place-Value-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Position-and-Direction-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Properties-of-Shape-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Statistics-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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Thumb Year-2-Time-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf

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During the Foundation Stage child are given a wide range of exciting opportunities inside and outside to develop early mathematics skills. Through purposeful play and a mix of adult led and child-initiated activities children explore their skills in counting, representing numbers and exploring patterns. They are given opportunities to explore the properties of shape, space and measures and encouraged to develop their use of mathematical language when talking about what they can see in relation to these. In Foundation Stage 2, teachers plan Curriculum Intent Maps supported by The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matter. For their daily Maths lesson, lasting approximately 30 minutes, children work in 3 groups. Disadvantaged children work in a smaller group with the support of an additional adult to ensure they make expected progress. In Key Stage 1 children have a daily lesson for mathematics (between 30 and 45 minutes) where they are taught the knowledge, skills and understanding set out in the National Curriculum. Teachers follow White Rose Math schemes of learning and use the schemes and additional resources, including NCETM Recovery/ Mastery Documents, to help them to plan purposeful, well-directed teaching and well-planned learning opportunities for all children. Disadvantaged children remain a focus and are supported during math’s lessons. In addition, through formative and summative assessments identified children receive additional targeted support


At Tibshelf Infant and Nursery School we believe that assessment should be meaningful. Meaningful assessment enables practitioners to find out what children know; informing of content missed and gaps in knowledge. A variety of methods are used to find out what children know and understand. Mathematics lessons allow for collaborative learning, and encourage children to talk in pairs, small groups and through class discussion to share their understanding. Assessment for Learning is an informal part of every lesson to check pupils’ understanding and give information. Informal notes are recorded and shared with staff on the weekly/daily planning sheets to inform future planning and teaching. Children who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged through a range of problems. Planning for individual children or groups of children is based on informed observation and assessment for learning. Individuals or groups of children are identified on the teacher’s planning. A pupil whose difficulties are severe, or complex may need to be supported with an individualised programme and with Teaching Assistant support. Children’s understanding of taught concepts are assessed during lessons and using end of block assessment tasks that provide opportunities for children to demonstrate their understanding fully. Evidence of children’s learning journey through Mathematics topics are recorded on working walls and displays, and in maths books. Children in the Foundation Stage are assessed using Tapestry against the Early Years Learning Goal. Children in Year 1 and 2 are assessed against the End of Year 1 and 2 frameworks. Mathematics monitoring includes, learning walks, books looks, pupil voice and lesson visits which ascertains correct curriculum coverage, children’s attitudes towards mathematics, retention of learning and quality of teaching and learning. Information gleaned is shared with staff as well as being used to inform curriculum developments, actions plan and provision tweaks. Moderation of Maths happens on a regular basis within school, as part of the cluster, and as part of moderation at the end of FS2 and Year 2. These opportunities are planned for over the year, so they are meaningful for staff.


At Tibshelf Infant and Nursery School we want all children to acquire a deep, long term, secure and adaptable understanding of Mathematics. We believe that for this to happen children need lots of opportunities to ‘over learn’ knowledge, and opportunities to practise and apply skills learned in a range of meaningful contexts. New mathematical concepts are introduced using a sequenced ‘concrete, pictorial and abstract’ approach, enabling all children to experience hands on learning when discovering new mathematical topics, and allowing them to have clear models and images to aid their understanding. Children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 have opportunities to practise and apply mathematical skills across the curriculum during continuous provision times.
