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Town End Junior School
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Overview for Town End Junior School
“Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures.” (Department for Education, 2013)
At Town End Junior School, children learn French from Year 3 right through to Year 6. We use a high quality and motivating scheme called Click2Teach, in association with the Primary Languages Network. Each year group has six clearly identified and specific topics or themes for the entire year; which equates to one each and every half term. Year 3 study stage 1, Year 4 study stage 2, Year 5 study stage 3 and Year 6 study stage 4. Because we have mixed year group classes, our school operates on a two-year rolling program (Cycle A and Cycle B.) This means that subject content does not get repeated; yet some elements do get revisited. The scheme provides ample opportunities to revisit prior learning; whilst at the same time, goes into considerably more depth on particular topics as the children become older and progress through school.
Each lesson builds on previously taught grammatical structures and gives children valuable experiences of speaking and listening, with written work where relevant and appropriate. French is spoken as much as possible in our weekly sessions, alongside English translation by both teacher and pupils. Comprehensive Medium Term Plans link seamlessly to specific lesson plans for each unit or stage. The lessons are highly engaging, fun and rich in content. Video clips, combined with interesting challenges, puzzles and downloadable activity sheets can really inspire the children to want to learn this vibrant language and helps to embed their developing knowledge. The Click2Teach Programme has a range of other useful tools and features such as: A Knowledge Organiser; Links to Assessment; Interactive Games and even allows opportunities to see work from other schools!
*To listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.
*To explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words.
*To engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help.
*To speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures such as describing people, places things and actions orally and in writing.
*To develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases.
*To read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.
*To appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language.
*To broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including the use of a dictionary.
*To understand basic grammar including (where relevant) feminine, masculine and neuter forms; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentences; and how these differ from or are similar to English.
*To develop an awareness of other countries and their people thus increasing an awareness of other cultures.
*To develop a positive attitude towards the learning of foreign languages in general,
*To strengthen pupil’s sense of identify through learning about culture in a foreign country and comparing it to their own culture.
*To develop pupils’ experience of language acquisition, including enjoyment and interest in the language and explore differences between French and English.
MFL is taught in a whole-class setting by the class teacher; and where possible, a teaching assistant in a supportive capacity. Lessons take place every week, lasting up to one hour; with other opportunities to consolidate and revisit learning and draw on cross-curricular links. Teachers plan using suggested teaching ideas based on our Primary French Scheme: Click2Teach. Lessons are designed to motivate children and to engage them further in language acquisition. All lessons have clear, achievable learning objectives and are differentiated considering different learning styles. French lessons provide a range of sources to model the language: including interactive games, puzzles, activities and songs to maximise enjoyment and accelerate progress.
Opportunities provided through the teaching of MFL:
*The learning of a foreign language provides the opportunity for children to communicate in a new language, which prepares them for the future (should they wish to study or work abroad.)
*It also helps children to develop respect and tolerance towards other cultures.
*The new language enhances children’s understanding of their own language thus linking closely with the literacy curriculum.
*The study of a language and culture of another country also contributes to other subjects such as PSHE, geography and religious studies.
*Through the medium of the foreign language, other aspects of the curriculum can also be accessed such as music and physical education.
A variety of teaching strategies are used to engage and interest children and further their learning:
*A range of sources of information. For example: travel brochures; the internet; books, stories, pictures, photographs, films, songs, artefacts and French-speaking adults.
*Presentation of knowledge directly imparted by the teacher or another adult, incorporating children’s experiences and making it relevant to their lives.
*Demonstration of skills and knowledge and provision of time for practice.
*Opportunities to communicate their ideas to each other and with teachers, including discussions and presentations.
*Sharing/celebrating work in books (or on paper/journals) or in the form of posters.
*Independent or supported research, including homework, puzzles and competitions.
* Opportunities for whole-school French-themed days through, for example, the medium of food, music, film, art, poetry, history, geography and culture exploration.
* Where possible, invite a native French person into school to share their language and experiences. Or, study a well-known French artist, sportsperson or famous figure.
Children build upon their skills progressively as they move through the school, becoming independent in the skill and knowledge. Pupils learn to be curious and more independent as they become older Assessment is an integral part of learning as it informs the progress of the children and also enables teachers to review effectively plans and teaching methods. We gather evidence of pupils skills and attainment in MFL through book scrutinies, lesson observations, pupil interviews and data analysis.
The MFL leader monitors teaching and progress by:
*Informal discussions with colleagues, teachers, teaching assistants and children.
*Assessing work and progress, which includes a big book scrutiny, learning walks and selected examples in form of photos and videos gathered on the staff shared area.
*Observing lessons and providing constructive feedback.
*Checking that teachers effectively use the Click2Teach Benchmark Descriptors, Tracking Sheets and Assessment Grids and closely examine the criteria within these.
*Sharing good practice with teachers learnt on INSETs and ensuring that it is being implemented through observations.
*Designing action plans in order to self-evaluate and improve the teaching of MFL.
*Evaluating the quality of teaching and learning at the end of the monitoring process.
*Forming a termly report based on the actions planned and evaluations completed.
*An annual resource audit and renewing our subscription to Click2Teach.
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
All children will be given an equal opportunity to maximise their individual potential; this is regardless of ability, gender, race, religion/beliefs, disability or talent. Activities both within and outside the classroom are planned in a way that encourages full and active participation by all children, matched to their knowledge, understanding and previous experience.
Equal emphasis will be given to the roles of both men and women in society, at all levels of MFL study; including studies of key historical or famous French men and women. Every effort will be made to ensure that activities are equally interesting to everyone. Our scheme is designed to engage and equally appeal to boys and girls.
Curriculum Resources And Enrichment A variety of primary and secondary resources are used, including texts, artefacts, ICT, photographs, videos, music, role-play, novels and news items. Going forward, Enrichment Activities could potentially include themed days in school, visiting speakers or theatre groups and a French-inspired breakfast and/or school lunch. French-inspired cuisine could also be done through Design and Technology where possible (especially if it fits in with topic-related work.)