Physical Education (PE)

Platinum achievement at Town End – June 2023


At Tibshelf Schools Federation we aim to give each child a life-long love of movement, to enjoy a future, rewarded by the life changing benefits that come from physical activity, and sport. We acknowledge that ‘When we play, life gets better,’ physically, socially, and emotionally. We believe that there is a sport/physical activity suited to everyone and we strive to enable our pupils to become physically literate, and to follow their sporting interests, be it in competitive or non-competitive situations.  We will endeavour to unlock pupils’ talents and help them reach their potential and hopefully, in time, children will find their own passion for activity. The School Games values are promoted not only in PE and school sport, but across the wider curriculum and have relevance for our children’s future lives, fitting alongside the whole school’s vision of helping our children be ‘Lifelong Learners’.


Tibshelf Schools Federation acknowledges that physical activity, high quality physical education and school sport is integral to the process of education and the total development of each pupil. It leads to better pupil attendance, behaviour, confidence, and attitudes to learning, thereby helping to raise whole school standards. Physical activity is vital for physical and mental wellbeing. The School Games values link with our behaviour, PSHE and SEND policies of inclusion and equal opportunities, as well as the Arts Mark, through creativity in dance.

All staff at Town End Junior School understand that it is our duty to educate our children about the importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices by providing children with the knowledge, understanding and the tools needed to make informed choices about healthy living.

Working alongside the scheme ‘Get Set 4 PE’, our curriculum will provide all children with the opportunity to express themselves physically, socially, and emotionally. Research is very clear about the positive relationship between physical activity and improved mental health. Therefore, providing children with these learning experiences through our PE curriculum will have a positive impact on each child’s own physical health and mental health and well-being and, as a result, should enable children to have a longer, fulfilling, and healthier life. It is our aim to enable all children, regardless of their ability, race, or gender to be able to access and enjoy their PE lessons.


At Town End Junior School, we endorse the National Curriculum for PE and use the ‘Get Set 4 PE’ scheme of work. The aims across our curriculum show natural progression from the end of Key Stage 1 expectations, in which the skills progression document highlights what children should be able to achieve by the end of their time in our local infant school. Teachers use the skills progression document to ensure that there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills taught across the school. All teachers ensure that all objectives are covered and contribute and reflect upon the school’s teaching cycle.

PE will be taught through two PE lessons per week, enhanced through Forest Schools (OAA) delivery, making a minimum total of two hours. We are proud of our commitment of all children having taught PE lessons for at least 2 hours per week in addition to meeting (and in cases going beyond) the 60 active minutes per day. Swimming will be taught each week, for a term, in Years 5 and 6. Two leisure centre staff teach and the Derbyshire syllabus for swimming is followed.

Personal challenges and lunch time intra-school competitions and extra-curricular opportunities feed into the inter school competitions through raising awareness and skill development. Town End Junior school considers school sport competition and festivals important to enable children to experience the pride in doing their best, whilst representing their school.

Lessons follow progressive lesson plans reviewed regularly and often uses the format of a warmup, skills development and the application of skills learnt in small games situations or combination of movements into sequences and cool down. There are co-operative situations, competition, or both included in typical lessons. The aims of the lesson (physical, social, emotional, and thinking) aims are made clear to the children at the start of the session, with some time for reflection on their level of success at the end of the lesson. Teachers use key learning sheets and vocabulary to ensure AfL as well as providing opportunities for children to lead, where appropriate. This will be monitored regularly through learning walks, team teaching, observations, conversations as well as staff and pupil surveys.

There is an annual Sports Day/School Games Day, the aim of which is to include all children in a team and features the finals of some races. Awards are given for gold, silver and bronze positions, good behaviour and winners of the house cup. Sports Day is a cultural event, with an opening ceremony.


Each teaching unit is mapped against the National Curriculum aims and progression documents to ensure that learners develop detailed knowledge and skills across the full breadth of the PE curriculum through engaging and age-appropriate curriculum content. Attainment and progress can be measured using the ‘Get Set 4 PE’ assessment tracker that are shared amongst staff termly. This form of evidence fits alongside other methods such as video / photo evidence that is used to guide teacher assessment as well as supporting CPD to improve staff confidence.

Following the regular monitoring strategies outlined above, we are then able to identify the next stage of education and what this entails. Using surveys for example will allow us to adapt our curriculum to what staff are confident in, as well as providing opportunities that the pupils themselves want to experience.

Thumb Key-vocabulary.pdf Key vocabulary

Open Download Copy Link 738.8 KB 2023-09-21 21 September 2023 2023-09-21 21 September 2023
Thumb Overviews_by_Year_Group-1.pdf Overviews by Year Group

Open Download Copy Link 458.72 KB 2023-09-21 21 September 2023 2023-09-21 21 September 2023
Thumb Skills_and_Knowledge_Progression_Ladders-1.pdf Skills and Knowledge Progression Ladders

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Thumb Step_principle_to_adapting_your_PE.pdf Step principle to adapting your PE

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Thumb Town_End_97832_Curriculum_Map_1000_2023-1.pdf Town End Curriculum Map 2023

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At Town End Junior School, we use the Primary PE & Sport Premium Funding to enhance the quality of PE, through staff CPD, improved delivery and opportunity for our pupils to take part in intra and inter competition. The implementation and impact of this funding is reviewed annually and is linked to both the subject and the school’s action plan.

Evidencing the impact of PE and Sports Premium – 2023-24